Xara web designer premium 15
Xara web designer premium 15



If you are using the trial you can download the Orbit file here.


If you already own Web Designer or Designer Pro you will find it in the Designs Gallery under Website Themes - General (just load the file called Website).

xara web designer premium 15

Website template called ‘Orbit’ that we will convert to be a mobile friendly Responsive Website Design I have used a template called Orbit for this tutorial, you may wish to load the file and follow me through the steps.


If you don’t have Xara Web Designer 10 Premium or Designer Pro X10 you can download a free trial here. (Typically, a web designer would charge almost double for creating a multi-layout RWD website.) Of course, many users may decide that they only want one version of their website, designed for larger screen computers and tablets, which is fine as it saves time and may be the best decision if the audience is likely to be mostly desktop or tablet users. There is no way to avoid the fact that creating mobile friendly versions of websites can be time consuming - this is true no matter how they are made. Change the navigation to be a single button drop down menu which is more finger friendly: There's an easy way to convert Xara NavBars to single button touch friendly menus. Text columns will have to be narrower and most of your content arranged in on long column, rather than side-by-side. header and footer widths) and may involve tweaking your graphics to better suit the narrow screen. Re-arrange the design and content on the page: This will involve adjusting graphics (e.g. Xara supports variant-specific Styles so the same content can appear in a larger font. Adjust the text size for the mobile variant to be larger: Small screens require bigger font sizes to be readable. The key aspect here is that all content is shared by both variants - so text edited on one is automatically updated in the other - this is not really two websites, but one HTML file that adapts its display to the device being used. Create a Mobile Variant: This creates a copy of your whole website, based on a narrow page design. In summary the process of converting an existing website consists of the following steps: 1. If you were creating a new website, then we would recommend using one of the ready made Responsive Website Design (RWD) templates that are included in the Designs Gallery of Web Designer 10 Premium and Designer Pro X10 - they are marked with an (R) after the name. This tutorial will take you through the process of creating a mobile variant for your existing site (we will be using one of our template designs). They are exported as one HTML file, and the correct variant is presented depending on the device of the viewer. In effect, you create two layouts (variants) of your content, one that suits a narrow mobile screen which is operated by touch, and one that's better suited for wider screens such as desktops. So what's involved in making your website mobile friendly? In release 10 of Web Designer Premium and Designer Pro we added the ability to create responsive websites, which are websites that are both mobile and desktop friendly at the same time. It has a larger font size, narrow page, cropped images and a different, finger-friendly, navigation method.

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The original website is on the left and a mobile version on the right, which is better suited for mobile devices.

  • Navigation that works, ideally with one finger.
  • Larger text that is more visible for small screens.
  • Narrow pages that do not require horizontal scrolling.
  • So the changes that Google are looking for include

    xara web designer premium 15

    You might ask why there should be a penalty for mobile searches - after all aren’t mobile browsers able to view normal desktop websites? The answer is ‘yes they can’, but usually to view such content requires zooming and panning the page, the text may be difficult to read and the navigation tricky - all of which Google judge not ‘mobile friendly’.

    xara web designer premium 15

    It's worth emphasizing that this change will not affect search position for searches done on desktop computers. The emails are rather alarmist, Google are actually only saying that they will favor websites that are designed for mobiles in mobile searches. If you have a website using Google Analytics you have probably received an email warning that your website is not optimized for mobiles.

    Xara web designer premium 15